MBA BIO Framework Poster

The Modern Building Alliance presents an original framework with a comprehensive and structured list of elements for the consideration of Member States in their regulatory approach to ensuring fire-safe buildings.

This framework is aligned with the EU’s ‘The principle of subsidiarity’ (its aim is to ensure that decisions are taken at the closest possible level to the citizen) and helps structure the exchange of information and best practice between Member States within the framework of the European Fire Information Exchange Platform (FIEP), established by the European Commission in October 2017.

What do we call "B-I-O Framework"

Buildings Requirements

They cover all elements related to the structure of the construction, such as escape routes, fire compartments or access areas for firefighters. In complex buildings, the application of Fire Safety Engineering methods enables buildings to be designed that will have a minimum impact on a fire.


Equipment that are essential contributors to fire safety layers, such as smoke detectors, adequate alarm, fire doors and fire suppression systems.


The building requirements and facilities requirements alone are not sufficient without a strong organization to ensure their proper enforcement.

A 7-level practical framework to help protect citizens

Fire safety in buildings must include these 7 layers:

  1. All necessary measures should be taken to prevent fires.
  2. If a fire occurs, it must be detected as soon as possible.
  3. The manual or automatic equipment to extinguish it should be readily available and working correctly.
  4. If the fire is not extinguished immediately, the main priority is to evacuate occupants to a safe place.
  5. Fire compartmentation ensures that a fire and the resulting smoke do not spread to other rooms.
  6. Even if the fire becomes larger, structural safety must ensure that the building will not collapse on the occupants or firefighters.
  7. Firefighters should be quickly alerted to secure occupants and avoid further damage.
MBA - 7 Layers of fire safety in buildings

Applying the holistic 7 layer approach to fire safety in buildings – fully addressing and applying it to well-enforced national BUILDING, INSTALLATIONS and ORGANISATIONAL requirements backed by EU standards – will provide an efficient framework to ensure that all EU citizens are safe from fires in our buildings.