MBA BIO Framework Poster


The Modern Building Alliance presents an original framework with a comprehensive and structured list of elements for the consideration of Member States in their regulatory approach to ensuring fire-safe buildings.

This framework is aligned with the EU’s ‘The principle of subsidiarity’ (its aim is to ensure that decisions are taken at the closest possible level to the citizen) and helps structure the exchange of information and best practice between Member States within the framework of the European Fire Information Exchange Platform (FIEP), established by the European Commission in October 2017.


EU Fire Safety Guide

Over the past decades, Europe has achieved substantial improvements in fire safety thanks to the continuous adjustment and implementation of fire safety strategies. As a result of comprehensive approaches, fire fatalities have fallen by 65% in Europe over the last 30 years.

All actors involved should intensify their efforts in finding and implementing effective solutions.

Οδηγός Πυρασφάλειας
Οδηγός Πυρασφάλειας - Ανίχνευση



The B.I.O. framework highlights the importance of detection and alarm systems as critical components of fire safety in buildings. A fire detection system consists of smoke or heat detectors that emit warning signals (audible or visual) to alert occupants and prompt early evacuation. Early fire detection is crucial in preventing fatalities and reducing property damage.

Statistics show that early detection via smoke alarms significantly reduces fire deaths and injuries. Countries with mandatory smoke alarm regulations, such as the UK and Germany, report lower fire-related deaths compared to those with less coverage. Correct placement and interconnection of smoke alarms ensure timely warnings, especially during sleep or in large buildings.


The fire safety of building facades is not a new issue. With the increase in the height of buildings, the spread of fire on facades has become more important because evacuation of occupants and extinguishing are more difficult compared to lower buildings. Recent major fires (February 2024 Campanar Valencia Spain, August 2021 Torre dei Moro, Milan, August 2020 Torre Ambar Madrid, June 2017 Grenfell Tower London, February 2015 the Marina Torch, Dubai, etc.) highlighted the risk of large fires on facades of tall buildings.
Facade systems are complex. There are different ways of constructing facades to adapt to different climatic conditions and performance, such as energy efficiency, a wind load, aesthetics, brightness, reaction to fire etc.

Πυρασφάλεια Κατασκευών
Copernicus map


The European Forest Fire Information System EFFIS supports the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU and neighbor countries and provides the European Commission services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on wildfires in Europe.

EFFIS is part of Copernicus, the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space program, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens

According to EFFIS, the period June – August 2024 was the hottest ever.


Ensuring the fire safety of buildings is a complex issue that requires competent professionals with clear roles and responsibilities, who are involved during the design, construction and maintenance phases of buildings. Modern Building Alliance believes that knowledge and capacity building is a necessity, especially to accompany the sustainable transformation of the building stock. The specialization of Engineers in the principles of Passive & Energy Fire Safety is imperative in Greek Universities.

There is a global call for professionalization of Fire Safety Engineering by professionals, academics and stakeholders in several EU Member States including Greece. From Australia to the USA and the EU, recognition of Fire Engineers is requested to support the transition from prescriptive legislation to a “Performance-Based Approach” that will address the ever-evolving fire protection challenges. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) launched the ISO/TC 92/SC4 Committee, with experts from around the world working on standardization and strengthening fire protection.

Πυρομηχανική γνώση & επάρκεια


In June 2020, Modern Building Alliance Europe commissioned USP Marketing Consultancy to launch a survey targeting architects from eight European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The research aimed to find out how fire safety capabilities are taken into account during the design phase of the building. A sample of 835 architects, working in offices composed of at least two architects, excluding smaller projects, he replied. The majority focuses mainly on residential buildings and deals with both new construction and renovations.