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Climate impact

The European Forest Fire Information System EFFIS supports the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU and neighbor countries and provides the European Commission services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on wildfires in Europe.

EFFIS is part of Copernicus, the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space program, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens

According to EFFIS, the period June – August 2024 was the hottest ever.

Forest fire statistics

The fires in our country in 2024 have once again left a heavy imprint on destroyed urban and non-urban areas, settlements, forest and rural areas. The evolution of forest fires in our country, as reflected in EFFIS statistics, has become fewer but more destructive.

There are many serious voices about the impact of fires on ecosystems and their restoration, among them the “Forest Initiative” is an effort of emeritus and regular professors of forest universities and technological schools and departments, researchers of the forest research institutes of the country, lawyers, freelancers and executives of the Administration, who have dealt within the framework of their thematic and professional responsibilities with forestry development and protection.

The position of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management of the Agricultural University of Athens on the restoration, prevention and treatment of forest fires is also very interesting

Burnt forest area - Greece
Average fire size statistic - Greece

Regulation on Fire Protection of Buildings in or near forest areas

In 2024, the “Regulation on Fire Protection of Buildings in or near forest areas” entered into force, making Greece one of the first countries in Europe with such legislation. The law, despite its strictness, took a serious approach to the fire protection of buildings in or near forest areas. Its implementation in summer 2024 highlighted its weaknesses and the points that need further clarification and adaptation. One of the most comprehensive texts ever published on The Regulation is the Resolution of the Association of Architects of Thessaloniki followed by the two Annexes, Technical and Legal.

Climate change is making more communities vulnerable to wildfires around the world, and adaptation may require more social change.

In an article in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Technology Review “The quest to build wildfire-resistant homes” the use of the house in the sense of an individual fireproof shelter with its surrounding area deforested, is simple as a design, especially in new constructions. But enforcing such standards is a challenge for older homes and communities built before the Regulation was introduced. Wealthier regions usually have resources to invest in upgrading fireproofing of their homes, lower-income communities will be penalized, deepening socioeconomic inequalities. Referring to California, which has been plagued by earthquakes and wildfires for many years, it is proposed, among other things, to constantly inform residents and design community spaces e.g. gyms as fire shelters.

Read more in the Annual Report.

Number of fires statistic - Greece

Civil Protection

Emergency Response Coordination Centre ERCC

Wildfires, earthquakes, or a global pandemic. Recent events have proven that no country is immune to disasters. In times of crisis, rapid and coordinated response is essential to saving lives and minimising damage.

In Greece it is the Emergency Response Coordination Centre of the Ministry of Climate Change and Civil Protection.

In EU it’s the Emergency Response Coordination Centre ERCC under the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.

Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the ERCC has been the backbone of the EU’s emergency response and the heart of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

Working 24/7, 365 days a year, the EU’s disaster response hub has responded to over 650 requests for assistance, ensuring the timely delivery of support to countries in urgent need